LACDA의 소기업을 돕기 위한
Business Recovery Loan에 신청하세요!
LACDA Business Recovery Loan
코로나로 인해 사업에 어려움을 겪고 계신가요? LACDA의 소기업을 돕기 위한 Business Recovery Loan에 신청하세요.
이렇게 도와드립니다:
- 직원 급여
- 직원 유급 병가 급여
- 운영을 지속하기 위한 경영자본
- 미결제 사업 비용 납부
- 사업 운영을 유지하기 위해 필요한 적응형 사업 전략 도움
대출 세부사항:
- 현재 금리 2.44%
- 기간 5년
- 첫 12개월 동안 원금, 이자금 연기
- 담보 불필요
최대 대출 금액: $20,000
<대출 신청 방법>
Step 1. 대출 자격 여부 확인하기
대출을 받으려면 로스앤젤레스 카운티의 비범인지구 또는 지역사회개발 블록 교부금 참여도시 (Community Development Block Grant Participating City) 내에 있어야 합니다. 아래 링크를 통해 사업장 위치를 확인하십시오:
Step 2. 사업 선언
귀하의 비즈니스가 대출에 자격이 되려면 다음 사항이 사실인지 확인하십시오:
- 비영리 단체가 아니다
- 2020년 3월 19일 코로나 재난 선언때로부터 직원 수는 25명 미만이다
- 귀하의 비즈니스는 대출 신청일로부터 최소 2년 이상 운영하고 있다
- 대출 신청은 선착순으로 처리됩니다.
- 소유권 20% 이상인 모든 소유자에게 개인 보증이 필요합니다.
- Business Recovery Loan을 신청하려면 https://bizrecoveryloans.lacda.org를 방문하여 온라인 신청서를 작성해 주세요.
- 신청서 작성에 도움이 필요할 경우 SBDC(중소기업 개발 센터)에 도움을 청하실 수 있습니다.를 방문하세요.
- 신청서에 필요한 내용은 다음과 같습니다:
* social security number
* Tax ID number (해당되는 경우)
* 개인 재무 제표
* 부채 일정표 (해당되는 경우)
* 소득 신고서
* 기타 사업 금융
LACDA는 신청 절차를 진행하기 위해 추가 정보를 요청할 권리가 있습니다. - SBA 대출을 신청했을 경우에도 신청 가능합니다. 하지만 두 가지 대출 모두 승인될 경우 LACDA 대출금은 급여 비용으로 사용할 수 없습니다. SBA PPP를 통해 지원을 받을 경우 PPP 지원금을 급여비용에 사용하고 LACDA 대출금으로 임차료, 보험, 유틸리티 등과 같은 기타 비급여 관련 경영자본 비용에 사용할 수 있습니다.
- Uber 드라이버로 근무하는 개인는 LACDA 대출에 신청할 수 없습니다.
- LACDA Business Recovery Loan은 보조금이 아닙니다.
- 현재로서 https://bizrecoveryloans.lacda.org를 통해 온라인 신청만 받고 있습니다.
- 신청 후 주로 영업일 기준 3~5일 이내에 답변을 드립니다. 그러나 최근 출시 이후 신청 수가 많아 답변이 지연될 수 있는 점 양해 부탁드립니다.
- 재무정보는 온라인 신청서에 작성하고 온라인 포털을 통해 제출해야 합니다. 재무 정보를 BizRecovery@lacda.org로 보내지 마십시오.
- 필요한 서류를 업로드하고 “제출”버튼을 누르기 전까지 신청이 완료되지 않습니다. 신청서를 성공적으로 제출하면 검토 대기 중이라는 접수 확인 이메일을 받게 됩니다.
<문의 연락처>
전화번호: (626) 586-1856
이메일: (이메일로 재무정보를 보내지 마세요.)
기타 문의사항은를 방문해주세요.
원문 보러가기:
The Los Angeles County Development Authority is here to help the County’s small businesses during this unprecedented time.
We can help you with:
– Employee payroll
– Payroll for employee sick time
– Working capital to continue operations
– Payment of outstanding business expenses
– Adaptive business practices needed to remain open
– Interest rate is currently at 2.44%
– 5 year term
– Principal and interest payments deferred for the first 12 months
– No collateral needed
To be eligible for a loan your business MUST fall within an unincorporated area of Los Angeles County or a Community Development Block Grant Participating City.
Please confirm your business location by checking with the links below
Unincorporated area of Los Angeles County
Community Development Block Grant Participating Cities
For your business to quality for a loan, you must confirm the following to be true.
1. You are NOT a non-profit organization.
2. As of the COVID-19 Disaster Declaration on March 19, 2020, your business had 25 or fewer employees.
3. Your business has been operating for at least two (2) years as of the loan application date.
Loan Process
How do I apply for a Business Recovery Loan?
You can fill out the online application at
Can someone assist me with completing my application?
Our partners at the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) are able to assist you with your application.
Can someone help me complete the loan application in another language?
Please email for assistance in the following languages:
Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Russian.
What information do I have to provide as part of the application?
Applicants will need to provide the following:
– Social security number
– Tax ID number (if applicable)
– Personal financial statements
– Debt schedule (if applicable)
– Tax returns
– Other business financials
We reserve the right to ask for additional information to move forward with the application process.
Is the application available as a PDF?
At this time, our application can only be accessed online at
I submitted an application. How long does the process take?
You will typically receive a response within three (3) to five (5) business days; however, due to the overwhelming number of applications received following the recent launch, responses may be delayed.
We are doing our best to respond to all applicants as quickly as possible, and apologize for any delays.
Can I submit my financial information as an attachment?
No, financial information must be completed in the online application and submitted through the online portal.
Do NOT send any financial information to
Did my application go through?
Your application is not complete until you have uploaded the required documentation and hit the “Submit” button.
Once you submit your application you will receive an email that we received it and it is pending review.
Loan Specifications
Where is the source of the loan funds?
The loan program uses federal funds from the Economic Development Administration (EDA).
Is this program first-come, first-served?
Yes, applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Will a personal guaranty be required?
Yes, it will be required for all owners with 20% or more ownership.
Why is this loan program only available in specific areas?
The Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) receives and administers federal funds for the Los Angeles Urban County jurisdiction, which includes the unincorporated Los Angeles County and 48 participating cities. The cities that participate do not receive funds directly from the federal government, which is why they participate with the County. We are currently working on programs that may serve the needs of businesses outside of the unincorporated Los Angeles County and participating cities areas.
Please visit our website periodically for updates.
General Questions
I work for Uber. Can I apply?
Unfortunately, no. You are not eligible for the Program.
Can I also apply for the SBA Paycheck Protection Program?
Yes, you may apply for both; however, keep in mind that should both of your applications be approved, our loan funds cannot be used for payroll. If you receive SBA PPP assistance, you can use that for payroll, and use our loan funds for other non-payroll related working capital needs, such as rent, insurance, utilities, etc.
My company branched off less than two years ago. Am I eligible?
No, your business needs to be in standalone operations for at least two (2) years.
Is this a grant?
No, this is a loan.
If I don’t qualify, are there any additional resources to help me?
Please check out the following websites:
Emergency Resources for Small Business
LA County Disaster Help Center
Los Angeles Economic Development Department
If you have a question that was not answered, please email us at
My business is run from my home. Do I include lease information?
If you lease your home, the answer is, yes.
If you own your home, the answer is, no.
Is this the same as the SBA loan?
No, we are not affiliated with the SBA Disaster Assistance Loan
Phone: (626) 586-1856
Please Note: Do not send any financial information to this email address.
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